Mad-Jarova's artistic journey
Mad-Jarova received the vocation of artist, from the age of four, to devote her life
to painting and sculpture.
She was born into an intellectual milieu. His father Dontcho Madjarov is one of the most important publishers
in the country.
As a little girl, she endured the war and the misery of the communist regime. His father being considered a former bourgeois, without work, the family is in misery.
From the age of 13, Mad-Jarova worked alongside her studies, which she succeeded brilliantly.
His paintings are done in oil on canvas.
Writing in paragraphs makes it quick and easy for visitors to find what they are looking for.
Writing in paragraphs makes it quick and easy for visitors to find what they are looking for.
The meaning of art becomes the reflection of the meaning of life
At the School of Fine Arts, she is excluded from KOMSOMOL, because of her origins, her strong personality and her original ideas which do not correspond to the standard of communist youth.
Despite this, she won the competition to enter the Academy of Fine Arts in 1957, which she successfully completed.
Subsequently, she worked as a teacher and with great difficulty, she managed in 1966 to leave Bulgaria and cross the Iron Curtain, all alone, without money and without knowing anyone to help her.
Passing through Vienna in Austria, the destination is Paris. After many adventures, she exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français and the Salon des Indépendants. His first personal exhibition in Paris in 1969 at the Henquez gallery was a great success.
Today, after more than 100 personal exhibitions in France, Europe and the United States, she enjoys an international reputation.
Mad-Jarova's imaginary painting, while being realistic in its forms, explores the interior space, that of our psyche: this invisible world which co-exists in inseparable duality with our relational being from the external world.
It is a revolution in the field of science: a new interpretation of the observation of existing phenomena.
The duality, between the information of a reality transmitted by the sensory receptors, and the inner mental activity of imaginary and transcendent perception, is part of the psychic dualities of man.
Imaginary and reality, transcendent and existent, subjective and objective are deep dualities of human nature.
The mind cannot be equated with the material substance of the brain. He is a dynamic entity with complex activities and heterogeneous manifestations, such as speech, affection, will, appreciation of beauty, coordinated functions in problem solving, development of knowledge, etc.
Where is consciousness located?
If I see without looking, I understand without knowing, I act without understanding, without being aware of it, it is because our brain has multiple abilities of apprehension which are still unknown to us.
If I close my eyes, a crowd of living and real images pass before me, like holograms. Where do they come from? Had I already met them somewhere or are they the fruit of my imagination?
These enigmatic visions have been familiar to me since my childhood, but they become, over time, more and more vivid and precise. They are my role models. The evolution of my works proves it.
What is happening inside us and where exactly? I integrate them into my works without trying to justify them. Surprise ! They become coherent, without my realizing it. When I decide to describe them, the writing happens like magic. What is the mystery that gives meaning to our spontaneous visions? This is one of the main mysteries that scientists consciously or unconsciously avoid.
Consciousness is made of a stability that gives it a meaning, the meaning of our universe of an extremely particular model. The universe has been fine-tuned so that life and consciousness can appear in it.
Our world evolves over time under the sign of a primordial duality: Good and Evil, Man and Woman...
Do you know that skill in art has nothing to do with craftsmanship? The work is created
deep in the soul of the artist,
but the know-how is the basis of any authentic work.
It is a benchmark on which the creation of an era is based. Without it, everything could be considered art.
Without it, values remain subjective, but above all speculative.